A light in darkness…

A light in darkness…

When you walk through some Christian bookstores shelves, and you would have to define Christianity by the titles of the bestseller lists you may be forgiven for coming forth with the following:

Christianity is information on how to get to heaven after you die…

with a large emphasis about increasing your personal happiness and success through God.

with some comments on following someone referred to as The Christ.
with a small number of footnotes on discarding your entitlements.
with an even smaller number of footnotes on being a servant in the midst of the pain, sin and brokenness in this world.

Genuine Christianity is a way of seeing and comprehending all reality. It is fueled by a relationship with someone (Christ) that transforms your worldview.  Everything that exists came into being at Christ’s command and is therefore subject to him, therefor finding its purpose and meaning in him. The implication is that in every topic we investigate, from ethics to economics to ecology, the truth is found only in relationship to God and his revelation.

The entire cosmos can be understood only in relation to God. The church’s failure in recent decades has been the failure to see Christianity as a complete life system, or worldview that governs every area of existence. By failing to see Christian truth in every aspect of life, we miss great depths of its beauty and meaning:

  • the thrill of seeing God’s splendor in the intricacies of nature
  • recognizing His craftmanship in the performance of a great symphony
  • detecting His character in the harmony of a well-ordered community

Most of all, our failure to see Christianity as a comprehensive and dynamic framework of truths, held together by The Truth, has crippled our efforts to have a redemptive effect on the surrounding culture.

In the first chapter of John, Christ is called the logos John 1:1. In the Greek, logos literally means the idea, the word, the rational pattern of creation, the order of the universe. The apostle Paul expands on this:

“For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together”

Col. 1:16-17.

Perhaps, one of the most astonishing claim Jesus makes is,

“l am the way and the truth and the life”

John 14:6

Christ is the origin and end of all things, the Alpha, and the Omega. Nothing has meaning apart from him. Nothing exists apart from him. He is the agent of creation, author of all that is and ever will be. One of the things I see taking place through the pandemic can be seen as a “correction”. I see the definition of what it means to be Christian being aligned again with Christ’s way of living:

Join this alignment from the depth of your heart, amid a world struggling with its own sense of entitlement… In this season: be a Christlike servant. I am convinced this is the best way to switch on the Light in the darkness.

A call to prayer and fasting

As the elders wait on God to discern our movement’s engagement with “Victoria’s roadmap” out of lockdown, we invite you to pray, and if possible, even fast for us. We are currently setting time aside waiting on God on how we would proceed through this season. Our responsibility to the community we serve and the purpose we carry can only be honored by decisions saturated in prayer. Thank you for supporting us in this way.

Fuse Youth | Break

Fuse is on a break over the school holidays, but don’t panic! You can catch up any episodes you have missed on Fuse TV.

Kids Church | Sunday 3rd October

This week on Kids Church TV… The kids will go on a journey with Elfie the Elephant and discover Jesus’ heart for their non-Christian friends and family members. Included in the video are an ‘Activation Prayer’ and an ‘Activation Exercise’ for the kids to immediately apply this week’s teaching. Watch Sunday 9am on Kids Church TV. Don’t forget to hit subscribe and follow!

Sunday Service | Resilience | When the show mustn’t go on…!

We start our exciting new series, Resilience. It’s not always possible to prevent stressful or adverse situations, but you can strengthen your capacity to deal with these challenges. Resilience is the ability to cope with unexpected changes and challenges in your life. Through Covid, we all had to be resilient. As things open up it may even require more resilience to engage in the new normal! Resilience is your ability to cope with tough times by applying your inner strength as a Christ Follower and engaging your support networks. Resilience can enable you to face difficult situations and maintain good mental health.

Search To Find | Monday 4th October

These are unprecedented times, where people are looking for answers – why not invite a friend to explore faith, God and spiritual reality from the comfort of their own home. Search will run completely online over ZOOM. ‘Search to Find’ begins with an introductory session, ‘Is it true? When it comes to faith, God, and spiritual reality, how do you know what is real and what is true?

Time: 7:30pm
Location: Online Zoom
Booking: Register your interest here

GTM 3 | Tuesday 5th October

The final 8-week unit of GTM is designed to help participants develop confidence and to step into their God given purpose in life starting at 7.30pm.

It is not right to let another year go by without grabbing an opportunity to connect, grow, and bring others on the journey!! Book here.

GTM 2 Young Adults | Sunday 10th October

This is the second 8-week unit for those who have completed GTM 1 starting at 12.30pm. Book here.

GTM 2 | Wednesday 13th October

This is the second 8-week unit for those who have completed GTM 1 starting at 7.30pm. It includes a Retreat with God, planned for Saturday 27th November. Book here.


Thank you for being His Presence in Every Place! 


Senior Pastor