Actions speak louder than words: How our actions reveal Jesus to our kids

Actions speak louder than words: How our actions reveal Jesus to our kids

We, as parents, are called to lead our children into a relationship with Jesus.

“they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Then they will not be like their ancestors— stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.” Psalm 78: 6-8

This can seem a daunting task for many parents. How do we lead our children to Jesus?

The best thing we can do to help our kids is to make sure our own lives are pointing to Him.

To do this we need to make God our number 1 priority.

It is easy for our fast paced lives to distract us and let worldly things slip into our daily routine, slowly pushing God from the centre. To re-prioritise takes self-control and discipline. The great news is – we can do this at any time and God’s grace is always available to help us re centre our lives around Jesus.

Some simple ways to help make God your number 1 priority:

Open up communication with God

Spending time reading His word (instructions on how to live), devoting time to prayer (allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us), practising obedience (when you sense the Holy Spirit – listen and obey).

Making fellowship a priority

Go to church regularly (or engage online if restricted) and attend a life group or family group where possible.

Serve others as Jesus did

Jesus not only preached the Gospel He demonstrated it through His actions.

“Train up a child in the way they should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Showing our kids Christ in our daily life is essential to them understanding how to have a relationship with Him. To do this we need to be transparent with our children. Let them see you reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, attending church and reaching out to help others in need. Invite them to join you and explain how your actions are an obedient response in serving God. Pray with your kids for miracles and encounters in the big and small stuff. Over time your kids will see these actions as normal and set them as the expectation of how to relate to God.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the parents reading this blog. In the name of Jesus I release great joy and peace over each parent as they let their actions reveal Jesus in their family life. May they have self-control and disciple to engage with you and invite their children along on the journey of living a Christ centred life.

We love you God,
