Calling versus Career

Calling versus Career

Way too many people live from weekend to weekend and sometimes even holiday to holiday. You can see them from a distance usually: they work with their one eye on the clock. What does it mean to be “called”? I believe vocation and thriving occur at the intersection of self, others, and Christ. In other words, vocation not only involves being strength-based and living out of one’s passions and propensities while building God’s Kingdom here on earth, but also being conformed to the image of God in Christ.”

—Dr. Pamela Ebstyne King, author, professor at the Thrive Center at Fuller Theological Seminary

A deep understanding of your role in God’s mission draws the best out of you. Trying to get God to fulfil your dreams will awaken the worst in you. In fact, it is a subtle form of self-adoration. When we refer to the term calling it denotes an awareness that “a purpose for your being existed before you existed”. That purpose is the origin of your calling. As God created us purposefully, he created us with a desire to fulfil that purpose.

‘For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was being formed in secret, And intricately and skilfully formed [as if embroidered with many colours] in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were appointed for me, When as yet there was not one of them [even taking shape]. ‘

Psalms 139:13-16 AMP

The discovery of that purpose is what many people are yearning for their whole life. Thank God! He has made our purpose clear…and therefore our calling as mankind as well. We do not have to stumble from day to day due to a lack of purpose:

‘Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ‘

2 Peter 1:10-11 NIV

Calling exists in many dimensions of our lives, but there is one “calling” that has God’s faithful resolve tied to:

‘God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. ‘

1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV

This is many times referred to as “the prime calling on mankind” – living in fellowship with Jesus Christ. All other expressions of calling flows from this…or not at all! How is your fellowship with Him going? May I spur you on to pursue your intimate knowledge of Him more than ever in this season! This aspect of calling can be enjoyed in almost any career. Take His presence to every place you engage within your current career!

Latest restrictions | Update

We are so thankful that we can come together online Sundays to worship and praise via Facebook and YouTube during this season.

Sunday Service | Live stream

Join us on YouTube or Facebook live-stream for the second part of our exciting new series, Work is Worship | Trials. Have you ever faced challenges in your work environment and found yourself getting mad at your boss, complained about the company, the customer, or circumstances that are against you? Been in a situation where you just wanted to run, to escape to not have to stay in that place? Watch on live stream this Sunday to find answers via Facebook or YouTube.

Food Pantry | Open

Our Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays, from 10:30 am till 2pm even in the midst of the lockdowns and has been instrumental in tiding over many people during a difficult season. Are you able to give a helping hand? In your next shop at Woolies, Coles or Aldi, would you be able to pick up one or several of these items?

1/ Sweet biscuits, Muesli bars, Cereal, Soup, Coffee

2/ Body Deodorants, Shampoo, Conditioner,

3/ Dishwashing liquid, Laundry powder – 1kg boxes,

Please drop them off at the church when the restrictions allow for it. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and makes a big a difference in the lives of many. Let us be His presence in every place.  Thank you so much.

– The Food Pantry Team

Playgroup | Unexpected opportunities

I love how God provides unexpected opportunities even during lockdown while playgroup can't meet!

While out on a bike ride within our 5km radius last Sunday we bumped into a mum who finished at playgroup way back in 2014.  With many thanks to my patient husband, we were able to renew our connection and have arranged to catch up again after lockdown ends. Playgroup was a huge part of her life, along with her four children, and I am trusting God with this opportunity and where the reconnection will lead.

I have also been able to bless a family with bags of clothes for their baby and older children thanks to the generosity of two playgroup families who wanted to pass things on.  Restrictions allowed me to do doorstep deliveries to provide care and it is wonderful to see playgroup mums wanting to bless others as well.

Fuse Youth | Friday Zoom

FUSE Youth is continuing to happen ONLINE this Friday! Join us from 7-8pm on Zoom to hangout, play games and chat! We look forward to seeing you all! Zoom links will be post on Fuse Facebook.

Kids Church | Sunday YouTube

Our Kids Ministry Team continues to work hard to provide resources to equip children and families in this season. Below is an update on all things kids' ministry.

ZOOM Kids Church

This Sunday we have Kids Church on ZOOM for Prep- Grade 6's, however, if you have a preschooler you feel may benefit from Zoom Kids Church please join us.

  • ZOOM Kids Church starts at 9:30 AM on Sunday and finishes at approximately 10:30 AM.
  • The link is below and will remain the same link moving forward.
  • If the link doesn't work please type in the Meeting ID and Passcode.

Meetings BCOC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ZOOM Kids Church P-6

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 3431 0084
Passcode: 075312

Worship Series

This week we start our Worship Series. The series is designed to empower children to encounter God through worship. There is a specific focus on worshipping God through the medium of music however the series extends to encompass worshiping and praising God as a daily practice and lifestyle. As a team, we are excited about this series and anticipate children growing in their friendship with God.

Worship Series on YouTube

For those who can't access ZOOM Kids Church this Sunday week 1 of the Kids Worship Series will be on the Berwick Church of Christ YouTube channel starting at 9:00 AM this Sunday. The link to the BCoC YouTube Channel is HERE.

This will be provided every Sunday at 9:00 AM for the duration of the 5-week series.

Parent Blog

You can access the latest timely blog by Tobin Cuss titled “Family Provides Support" by clicking the link is HERE.

Know we are praying for you,


Ps Andrew at the Kids Church Team

Y&Y Service | Update

Y&Y are busy revamping their program during lockdown and will provide information when available.

Thank you for being His Presence in Every Place! 


Senior Pastor