Embracing divine guidance through Christ​

Senior Pastor Braam Botha Communique
Table of Contents
Embracing divine guidance through Christ

Wednesday 5th June 2024

In our journey through life, the necessity of making space for God to lead us becomes increasingly evident. By fostering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we open our hearts to divine wisdom and guidance that surpass human understanding. Jesus Himself extends an invitation to this intimate relationship in Matthew 11:28-30, saying,

“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

This passage underscores the peace and direction available when we allow Christ to lead us. In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, turning to Jesus provides a sanctuary of rest and clarity. Proverbs 3:5-6 further emphasizes the importance of relying on God’s guidance:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

This scripture calls us to surrender our limited understanding and trust in God’s perfect wisdom.

Creating space for God means dedicating time to prayer, scripture reading, and reflection. It involves consciously quieting the noise around us and listening for His voice. As Psalm 46:10 advises,

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

This stillness allows us to connect deeply with God and discern His will for our lives. When we embrace a personal relationship with Jesus, we experience His transformative power. He guides us and moulds our character, aligning our desires with His divine purpose. By making space for God, we invite His presence into every aspect of our lives, ensuring that His unfailing love and wisdom direct our paths.

Sunday Service | Hearing God through the Word | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be challenging to find moments of stillness to truly hear God’s voice. We invite you to join us for an inspiring sermon series encouraging you to hit the “pause” button and create sacred spaces for divine communication.

Listening through scripture

Discover how the timeless wisdom of the Bible can become a personal conversation between you and God. Learn practical steps for daily Bible study and hear inspiring testimonies of those who have experienced God’s guidance through Scripture.

Key Points:

  1. The importance of pausing for God
  2. Understanding the authority of Scripture
  3. Practical Bible study methods
  4. Hearing God’s voice through the Word
  5. Integrating Bible study into daily life
Kids Church | Sunday 9th June | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

This week at Kids Church…
2 to 4-year-olds | Feast of Booths | Deut. 16:13-17
5 to 12-year-olds | Feast of the Booths | Deut. 16:13-17

Men's Prayer Group | Sunday 9th June | 5:45 pm

Calling all men! At our weekly gatherings, we come together to pray, support one another in our faith journey, and grow deeper in our relationship with God.

Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or new, we welcome you with open arms. Our group is a safe space where men can come together to share their hearts, struggles, and victories.

Join us as we seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength in our lives and for our families. Together, we can uplift each other, grow in faith, and make a real difference in our community.

 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Come and join our Men’s Prayer Group where together we seek the Lord for our families, community and nation.

Mental Health Support Gathering | Tuesday 11th June | 7:30 pm

Mental Health Support Gatherings cater for people who may benefit from mental health support. This may be personally or to assist a friend, family member or carer. This is a safe place to be heard, to share life’s challenges, make friendships and have hope restored. Remember, you are not alone.

In addition, the Gatherings also provide tools to assist people in dealing with life challenges and, on occasion, have specialist speakers addressing relevant topics. The Mental Health Support Gatherings are held on Tuesdays fortnightly during the School Terms from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. If you’re interested in coming along please click the ‘Book Now’ link below and choose: Special Interest Group: Mental Health Support Gatherings.  For more information please contact the Church Office 03 9702 1011. The Mental Health Support Gatherings are a ministry of the Berwick Church of Christ.

Seniors Ministry | Friendship Group | Wednesday 12th June | 1:30 pm

Fiona Grech will share about her work with the organisation “Compelled By Love” who work in Rwanda, Eswatini, Sri Lanka and India. Their goal is to see things “made right, where poverty and brokenness exist.”

Writers Group | Saturday 15th June | 9:00 am

Aspiring writers, are you looking for a creative outlet to showcase your writing talents and connect with fellow literary enthusiasts? We are thrilled to invite you to join our Writers Group, where your words will come to life in a community of like-minded individuals.

Whether you write poetry, short stories, essays, or anything in between, we welcome all writing styles and genres. So come join us and ignite your passion for writing! Together, we will inspire each other to reach new heights and unlock our full potential as writers. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be a part of something truly special.

Join us today and let your creativity soar!

Y&Y Service | Sunday 16th June | 5:30 pm

Hey, Youth and Young Adults! Our next Y&Y service is on the 16th of June!!! Special guest speaker Rowan Hendrickse is coming to share what is on his heart in relation to the YA space, so make sure you are there and bring your friends!

Rowan moved to Warrnambool at the age of 17 to study nursing at Deakin. While in Warrnambool, Rowan gave his heart to the Lord and met his amazing wife, Sharna, whom he eventually married and now has three children. After nursing for 13 years, he followed a prompt to step into ministry, which has sent him to be a chaplain and serve at Winepress Church for the last 15 years. Rowan is passionate about revealing Jesus to people who don’t know that Jesus is passionate about them!

Be sure to join us in food and fellowship after the service. SEE YOU THERE!

Baptism Class | Monday 17th June | 7:00 pm

Baptism is the complete immersion into water of those who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and their Saviour.

However, it is more than just immersion in water. It has a number of significant meanings.

Complete the expression of interest form if you want to be contacted about attending the Baptism Class.

Patners Gathering | Sunday 23rd June | 1:00 pm

We’re having a Partners Gathering, and we warmly invite you to join us! Partners Gatherings are a significant time for us to connect, celebrate, build stronger relationships and to pray together.

We’ve got an action-packed program planned; from inspiring messages that will ignite your faith, to updates about future developments. Put the event in your calendar, set your alarm so that you don’t miss out. For catering purposes please book below ASAP to secure your place.

Baptism | Sunday 7th July | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Baptism is the complete immersion into water of those who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and their Saviour.

However, it is more than just immersion in water. It has a number of significant meanings.

Complete the expression of interest form if you would like to be contacted about being Baptised.

Thank you for being His Presence in Every Place!


Senior Pastor