Exodus… The Road Out!

Exodus… The Road Out!

Good afternoon church!

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1 NIV

We truly discovered a new form of captivity due to Covid-19. Albeit with the best of intentions it still had a huge number of side-effects that we would rather live without. It made me appreciate anew the liberty we have as Christians. The temporary freedom to move and live and have our being as Melbournians that was restricted, is but a shadow compared to the bondage we have been set free from!

Now, as restrictions are lifted, we will adjust our methods of ministry to fit the most suitable way of expressing our mission to the utmost of our capacity. BUT…there is a critical aspect of our freedom as Christians we’d like to revisit as we see our city and state arise from the pressures of Covid-19.

Exodus… the road out!

As we see the Covid-19 average number of infections reach the goals set we would like to guide you towards being prepared to live in a better way in the “new normal”. It’s very much the process God took Israel through to prepare them for the Promised Land. This coming weekend I will speak on why God sometimes ‘shakes’ us up before he ‘takes’ us up to the next phase in our lives.

The shaking is not for the faint hearted but necessary! Please invite people to join us for this message. We will follow this message up with a six-week journey with Israel towards the Promised Land and revisit critical principles to will prepare you for God’s plans for your life.

If you would like a regular email reminder to help navigate to the YouTube online service then contact the church and we will arrange this for you.

Online recording by-in

Many people have shared with me how the scriptures gave them hope in the past season. I would love for you to share it with us on our Online messages. This can be done so easily! All you need is a smartphone to record the reading of the scripture (done by you) after you explained when and why this scripture has meant so much to you. Please contact Michelle Jankovic in order to discuss how you get it from your smartphone to our editing office, email: [email protected].


We are so thrilled to announce that we will soon be broadcasting a baptism ceremony in one of our Online Services. Please contact the church office if you want to be baptized as well, as we have found a Covid-Safe way to do it!

Parenting Course

The Alpha Parenting Course will start this coming Wednesday evening. We celebrate that so many parents have signed up for this! Although it is practically full, we would not want to exclude any families in need of this and we would encourage you to contact us to enroll.  We would rather be creative to accommodate you than let you miss out on this excellent opportunity! Please direct you Expression Of Interest to [email protected]  by Monday 1pm.

Just a reminder of the Roadmap factors

There is still so many variables playing into the process of determining the pace and scale of our reopening for services. If you haven’t read last week’s newsletter please do so before progressing further with this one. It will help you manage expectations.
We have many discussions about this and I would like to highlight four factors that will determine our pace and scale of opening up:

  1. Covid safety – We would want to have complete confidence in our Covid-safe plan that relates to the unique nature of our gatherings and premises.
  2. Serving capacity – A church is a place wherein everyone has a part to play and we will assess which services we can deliver at which level (e.g. Kids ministry, Worship Team, Welcome team etc.) This will determine the size and nature of our gatherings.
  3. Level of restrictions – We will at all times adhere to what government guidelines expect of us. We are guided well by CCVT (Churches of Christ Victoria and Tasmania) in this regard.
  4. Group size dynamics – The bigger a group of people gathering the more diverse its needs and the more complex set of solutions it needs. We love solving these problems…but nor at the cost of your spiritual, mental, physical and social well-being. Therefore, this will also play a role.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have the need to speak to me

Pastor’s health update

Pastor Michael is steadily engaging with his role as capacity permits and has already made an impact since becoming involved in his role again. He is closely following his medical advice and we will make sure he has enough room to focus on his recovery. Please keep on praying for him!
Pastor Ken will take a bit more time off to recover from his operation and will use the opportunity take some well-deserved annual leave as well.
We miss you and can’t wait to see you again!


Senior Pastor

Being His Presence In Every Place