Future Church Now
3 week series on future leaders
Future Church Now
Leadership is not just a matter of experience but a matter of obedience. It is God who qualifies us for influence, not age or just qualifications. Week one of our new series, Future Church Now!, is all about getting behind our youth as they step into all God has planned for them, particularly as young leaders of the church. Fuse Youth will be taking over the service as we hear inspiring testimonies and explore what the bible says about young people and influence. Adults, this service is also for you! Let’s discover how we as a church can support and invest in this younger generation.
Of the 8 billion people in the world, 1.8 billion have been born since 2010. Generation Alpha (born 2010 to 2024) are already the second largest generation in the world, just behind the 1.9 billion Generation Z (born 1995 to 2009).” The two biggest generations of our age are the two youngest. What can we do as a church to transform their lives with the power of the gospel? In this service we will give you a snapshot of how we make a difference through Kids Ministry, Boys Brigade, Playgroup and Compassion International.
The post-high school and pre-family season in life is where you have to figure out the strategies and values that will help you reach your dreams. In that sense it is a make-or-break season for many young people. How can you navigate your life towards a meaningful and fulfilling life? How can you discern God’s plan for your future? We will look into key biblical guidelines to be taken on board in this phase of life.