When pausing introduces change…

Senior Pastor Braam Botha Communique
Table of Contents
When pausing introduces change…

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Change is an inevitable part of life. When we pause often to hear God’s voice, He prompts us to change or adjust aspects of our lives. Change can be challenging, whether it’s a personal transformation, a shift in our spiritual journey, or adjustments in our daily routines. The Bible provides us with invaluable insights on how to navigate these tough transitions with faith and resilience.

Change starts with our thoughts. Proverbs 4:23 CEV reminds us,

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”

Our minds are powerful tools that shape our actions and reactions. To initiate any meaningful change, we must first renew our minds. This means aligning our thoughts with God’s truths and promises. By focusing on what is true, noble, proper, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8), we can transform our mindset and, consequently, our lives.

The importance of honest self-examination cannot be overstated in this! Recognising and admitting our faults, failures, and areas that need improvement is essential. James 1:23-25 tells us that the Word of God is like a mirror that reveals our true selves. By regularly examining ourselves through this divine mirror, we can identify the changes we need to make and seek God’s help in addressing them.

One of the wisdom writers in the Bible also highlights the necessity of community in the process of change. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 reminds us that two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour. When we surround ourselves with a supportive community, we find encouragement, accountability, and assistance in our transformation journey. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation; we are stronger together.

Prayer is another vital aspect! Change is often complicated, and it’s easy to become discouraged. Philippians 4:6-7 advises us to present our requests to God through prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Maintaining a robust prayer life draws strength from God’s infinite power, we find peace in His presence, and receive the guidance we need to make those complex changes.

Furthermore, the Bible speaks about setting realistic and achievable goals. Breaking down the changes we want to make into manageable steps is essential. Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead, pressing on toward the goal. We can track our progress and stay motivated by setting clear, attainable objectives.

Lastly, scripture reminds us that perseverance is critical. Change doesn’t happen overnight; the pursuit to be Holy Spirit-led requires dedication and persistence. Galatians 6:9 urges us

“do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.

Even when it gets tough, staying committed to the process ensures that we will eventually see the fruits of our efforts. 

In conclusion, making hard changes in life is a complex yet rewarding journey. We can navigate the challenges of change with grace and faith by:

  • renewing our minds via accessing God’s wisdom
  • engaging in self-examination with the Bible as a measuring tool
  • building a supportive community of truthful people
  • maintaining a strong prayer life as Jesus modelled
  • setting realistic goals that enable seeking His kingdom first
  • and persevering through the Holy Spirit’s power

Let us embrace these principles and trust God’s guidance as we strive to transform our lives for His glory.

The Art of Neighbouring | 7 week church wide series

We want to let you know of an exciting initiative we are doing together as a church. But first, watch the video below.

Wherever you live, whatever you do, you are a neighbour to someone. What if Jesus actually meant what he said, when he invites us to love our neighbours? What does this look like? Who are your neighbours? Do you know them? Do you love them?

To address these questions, our church is running a churchwide series called the “Art of Neighbouring” where we get to explore the second half of the Great Commandment, that is, “Love your neighbour.”  We will dive deep into what it looks like to transform our neighbourhoods by simply becoming a good neighbour.

So how can you take part? 

Firstly, attend the 6 weekend services. All sermons will relate to loving our neighbour.

Secondly, participate in weekly life groups. We encourage life groups to meet weekly for 7 weeks to watch the teaching videos and go through the book and study guides. If you are not in a Life Group then we encourage you to start one up or sign up to one by clicking here. The book ($20) and study guide (free) will be available from Sunday, 23 June at The Desk.  

And lastly, if you are a parent of school aged children, I invite you to bring your kids to Kids’ Church and/or FUSE Youth as they will be running the series as well.

Want to know more? 

Come to The Desk after the service. 
Send your queries to [email protected].
Check out the website at berwickchurch.org.au/neighbouring.
Let us love our neighbours well, together! 

Pastor Ken & Bree Rayment | Love Offering

As many of you know, our beloved Pastor Ken & Bree will soon be embarking on a new chapter in their ministry journey. We are incredibly grateful for their years of dedication and ministry to our congregation.

We want to honour them with a financial gift to assist in the transition to their next season. If you would like to contribute to this gift, please use the following bank account details.

  • Account name: Berwick Church of Christ Inc.
  • BSB: 033 609
  • Account number: 434168
  • Reference: Rayment  

Note that the deadline for contributing to the financial gift is Monday, 8 July at 5 pm to ensure it goes into Pastor’s Ken’s last pay.

Thank you for joining us in honouring Pastor Ken & Bree.

Pastor Ken (male) wearing blue shirt smiling. Love offering.
Operation Christmas Child | Send a Gift-Filled Shoebox in Jesus' Name

Would you like to bring joy and Jesus to the lives of children in need? How about 200 children? How about 300 children?  You have the opportunity to do this by taking part in Operation Christmas Child. And you can do it in 6 easy steps!

  1. Purchase a box from the stand beside The Desk for $1
  2. Fill the box with the gifts
  3. Label your box
  4. Bring the box back by Sunday 28th July 2024
  5. Make a $12.50 donation for shipping and gospel materials
  6. Pray for the child who will receive your box

Bring joy and Jesus to the life of a child this Christmas by taking part in Operation Christmas Child. 

Any questions? Come to The Desk after the service and the team will be happy to assist and respond to your queries. 

Kids Church | School Holiday Break | Online only

This is a friendly reminder that Kids Church will be on school holiday break this Sunday 7th July. Activity sheets will be available for both services, and don’t forget to check out the online Kids Church videos. 

We kick off Term 3 on Sunday 14th July with a super special “Wear your favourite Oodie or Jumper Fun Day” @ 9:00 am and 11:00 am. This is an outreach event so invite your friends and neighbours. Information cards are available on the Kids Activity Table in the foyer.

Serve Your City | Volunteering Opportunities

At Berwick Church of Christ, we encourage everyone to Follow Christ, Love People, Serve their City, and Grow Faith Communities. We want to invite you to prayerfully consider serving your city in one of the following three ways. We look forward to helping you go and be His presence in these places.

Do you have a heart for refugees? We are looking for mentors to support eligible people from a refugee background through the COACH Community Mentoring Program located in the Dandenong/Casey region.

What is COACH Mentoring?

Coach Mentoring assists refugees who are seeking to become economically independent.
Each mentee’s goals are identified before being matched with a suitable mentor.
Typically, mentors and mentee’s meet once a week, for an hour and this relationship would continues for a period of 12 months.
Mentors are allocated a COACH Coordinator as a contact point to support them throughout this mentoring relationship.

Our mentoring program suits people with a heart to come alongside and support refugees as they settle in Melbourne. Mentors undergo training and screening checks, before being matched with a participant. The purpose of the mentoring relationship is to be a “friend with purpose”, to support them as they work towards achieving their identified goals, such as education, employment and making community connections.

If you have questions, or would like further information, please don’t hesitate to send an email to [email protected]  with your contact details.

As a Kids COACH Mentor, you can help children learn positive social skills, have fun, reach their goals, and build resilience. Come alongside a child at school to offer practical help and be a positive role model for one hour a week, for a minimum of 12 months. This opportunity is in partnership with Crossway South East, with an initial commitment of one day of in-person training and an online module. (10 volunteers for Term 3, 2024).

For more information, contact Ps Mat Daniels. Email: [email protected] or phone (03) 9702 1011.

Would you like to empower primary-aged students to implement positive change in their lives? As a REBOOT program volunteer, you can help upper primary school students (grades 5 and 6) learn about wellbeing through fun games and activities during lunchtime. The wellbeing topics covered are Self-Esteem, Perceived Control, Optimism, Personal Relationships, and Achieving in Life, which are delivered in an actionable format. (5 volunteers for Term 1, 2025 training to be confirmed).

For more information, contact Ps Mat Daniels. Email: [email protected] or phone (03) 9702 1011.

Soft light marks on a background. Serve Your City. Loving, Humble, Hopeful, Serving.
Sunday Service | The Power of Testimony | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Each of us have personal stories of our  faith journey in Christ. But did you know your testimony is much more than just retelling your story? Testimony that acknowledges the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about a transformed life, is active and living.  Come along to hear more and to celebrate with those sharing their testimonies before they are baptised. 

Kids Church | Sunday 7th July | ONLINE ONLY

This week at Kids Church…
2 to 4-year-olds |Shepherds and Angels | Luke 2:8-20
5 to 12-year-olds | Shepherds and Angels | Luke 2:8-20

Men's Prayer Group | Sunday 7th July | 5:45 pm

Calling all men! At our weekly gatherings, we come together to pray, support one another in our faith journey, and grow deeper in our relationship with God.

Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or new, we welcome you with open arms. Our group is a safe space where men can come together to share their hearts, struggles, and victories.

Join us as we seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength in our lives and for our families. Together, we can uplift each other, grow in faith, and make a real difference in our community.

 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Come and join our Men’s Prayer Group where together we seek the Lord for our families, community and nation.

YA Social | Sunday 7th July | 6:00 pm

Welcome to our next Y&Y Social for 2024!! We are having a movie night and watching “Jesus Revolution”!!! This is a great opportunity to meet other young adults, and also watch an incredible faith inspiring movie together. Invite your friends!

Snacks and Popcorn will be provided. BYO drinks (this is an alcohol-free event). Bring a chair and we can’t wait to see you there.

Seniors Ministry | Friendship Group | Wednesday 10th July | 1:30 pm

Sarah Johnson a School Chaplain, will share about her life in Ireland during troubled times, her conversion to Christ, and how this impacted family relationships. Time: 1.30pm – 4.00pm. Where: 446 Centre Road, Berwick, Vic, 3806. Bring: please provide a plate for everyone to share.

Mental Health Support Gathering | Tuesday 16th July | 7:30 pm

Mental Health Support Gatherings cater for people who may benefit from mental health support. This may be personally or to assist a friend, family member or carer. This is a safe place to be heard, to share life’s challenges, make friendships and have hope restored. Remember, you are not alone.

In addition, the Gatherings also provide tools to assist people in dealing with life challenges and, on occasion, have specialist speakers addressing relevant topics. The Mental Health Support Gatherings are held on Tuesdays fortnightly during the School Terms from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. If you’re interested in coming along please click the ‘Book Now’ link below and choose: Special Interest Group: Mental Health Support Gatherings.  For more information please contact the Church Office 03 9702 1011. The Mental Health Support Gatherings are a ministry of the Berwick Church of Christ.

Writers Group | Saturday 27th July | 9:00 am

Aspiring writers, are you looking for a creative outlet to showcase your writing talents and connect with fellow literary enthusiasts? We are thrilled to invite you to join our Writers Group, where your words will come to life in a community of like-minded individuals.

Whether you write poetry, short stories, essays, or anything in between, we welcome all writing styles and genres. So come join us and ignite your passion for writing! Together, we will inspire each other to reach new heights and unlock our full potential as writers. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be a part of something truly special.

Join us today and let your creativity soar!

Exploring Partnership | Sunday 28th July | 1:00 pm

Exploring Partnership is an important step in taking up co-ownership of the vision, mission, and purpose of our Church. This meeting is an opportunity to understand the role of partnership in the broader functioning of the Church. You will meet some of our Church Leadership as we chat about how you can partner with us to make our vision a reality.

If you regularly attend Berwick Church of Christ and are not yet a partner, we would like to invite you to attend our next meeting and enjoy lunch together.

Have a safety concern?

We are serious about keeping our faith community safe. We encourage all staff, volunteers, partners and congregation to report any concerns they have about safety and wellbeing. We are committed to handling all concerns seriously, legally and in a child-focused way (if concerning children).

If you have any concerns about safety at the Church, we strongly encourage you to share your concern with one of our Pastors or the Safety Contact Person, Karen Fletcher and fill in our Reporting Concerns Form.

Thank you for being His Presence in Every Place!


Senior Pastor