A glimpse of God
Friday 10th March 2023

This year October I will celebrate 30 years of being in ministry. Apart from it making me feel old…I can at the same time use my experience as a backdrop for navigating many of the challenges of life. I have seen religious fads come and go. I have also seen those things that last. I have heard a lot said and I have seen a lot unsaid! One of the things that always bothers me is when someone says:
I have tried religion, >>>
but it did not work for me… >>>
As Christ followers who want to see lives and communities transformed by the power of the Gospel, we need to be very clear on one thing: Religion has saved no one! It is God who saves through Jesus Christ. That is the Gospel. Through Jesus Christ we are saved into the Kingdom of God and we live according to the power that now works within us. The problem is that many people are only nominal Christians, that is, only in name. They do not live in the power of the Gospel.
We discover the power of the Gospel when we have a personal encounter with God himself. The need to have a personal glimpse of who God is, and the power of that transformative experience is nowhere better seen than in the life of Paul. When you read Acts 9:1-17 you see the dynamics released when you have a glimpse of God! This Sunday, Ken Rayment will minister, and we trust God for people to have a glimpse of God. This is a good opportunity to invite guests to our Worship Service!
Young Families Camp | Highlight
What an awesome time we had at our first ever Young Families Camping weekend! Almost 60 people, ten of them young babies, enjoyed the sun, the water park, and the river – such a lovely environment to be together in God's creation. Quite a few of the families were super brave and camped for the first time ever with their very young children. Everyone mingled beautifully and made new connections – exactly as we had hoped and prayed!
We had lovely visits on Saturday from Pastor Michael and a number of others and enjoyed stories and marshmallows around the campfire in the evening. Thanks to everyone involved for being part of it and looking forward to next year already! James, Amie, Mikayla, and Sue.
Accessible Website | Feature
We have a new and exciting feature that makes it even easier for everyone to access information on our website. You can customise how you view information on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Test it out!
Accessibility key features:
- Font Size Control
- Keyboard Navigation
- Contrast displays: High contrast / Black and White / Black and Yellow.
- Links Highlight
- Stop Animations
- Multilingual
Parking | Solutions
We are so excited with the reality of seeing so many cars in our car park on a Sunday, it reminds me of Fountain Gate at Christmas, cars parking anywhere and everywhere to get into the shops, how wonderful it is to see the same here on Sunday morning.
To create more parking space we will open the gate to the backyard, and we encourage all 4WD owners to park there if they can to allow extra spaces for others. We also encourage families to come in one car if possible and practical, every effort to create space will help.
If you would like to volunteer on the Parking Team, fill out the application form here.
Fuse Youth | Friday 10th March
This week we are continuing our series “where’s your heart?”. We will worship together, hear from Alex Groza as he shares on ‘the heart of worship’ and will join together in small groups! Ofcourse, pizza is also provided! 7-9.30pm, $5 @ BCOC.
Sunday Service | A Glimpse of GOD
So often when it comes to God, people can be fearful to fully trust him, resentful for his boundaries, questioning his justice, or at odds with his purposes and timing. Other times our thoughts aren’t on God much at all but on the circumstances, frustrations, and concerns we carry in life. What can happen if we were to catch a glimpse of God?
We look forward to seeing you! If you can't make it, you can catch up on our YouTube channel.
Kids Church | Sunday 12th March
This week at Kids Church…
2 to 4-year-olds | Jesus helps | John 6: 1-13
5 to 12-year-olds | Life Changes for Zacchaeus | Luke 19:1-10
Register your child/ren below before attending if you are new
Next Steps Lunch | Bookings close at midnight Thursday 16th March
As a movement, it’s important for us to get to know each other better and take the next steps in our journey of faith. To this end, we want to invite you to the next … Next Steps Lunch. The Next Steps Lunch is a 3-Sunday Lunch event Sunday 19th & 26 March and 2nd April 2023 where you will get the opportunity to get connected, learn more about the movement and discover your potential whilst enjoying a delicious meal.
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Youth Camp 2023 | Friday 17th March
We are going to The Summit on Friday 17th March 2023 – Sunday 19th March 2023. Don't miss out!
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Child Dedication Q&A | Sunday 19th March
If you’re interested in Child Dedication, there is a brief Q&A and briefing session.
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Forge Young Adults Service | Sunday 19th March
Sammy Medlin is one of the amazing young adults who is on the leadership team here at FORGE. He has been at Berwick since he was born, and has served in the FUSE youth ministry as well. A sport lover at heart, Sammy is a recent graduate that is working in elite sport for intellectually impaired athletes. He is passionate about seeing people come together and form genuine connections, and cares a lot about seeing this young adult community healthy and thriving. Starts 5.30pm. BYO meal!
Mental Health Support Gathering | Tuesday 21st March
These Gatherings are facilitated by Christians who wish to walk alongside people in their journey, loving and caring for them by providing a safe place to be heard and share life’s challenges together, offering friendship and hope. In addition, the Gatherings will provide tools to assist people in dealing with life, with specialist speakers addressing relevant topics.
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Seniors Ministry | Wednesday 22nd March
Let’s remember Jesus – God’s living love letter. Ps Gary Lewis will be leading the communion service and singing a solo. Ps Ian Edwards will bring the Easter message. The Friendship Group meet in the Connect Lounge at 1.30pm to 4.00pm Please bring a plate for everyone to share.
Partners Gathering | Sunday 26th March
If you are a partner, you are invited to the next Partners Gathering. Come along and build stronger relationships and hear how we are galvanising our unity before Christ.
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Child Dedication Service | Sunday 2nd April
Child dedication is the acknowledgment that not only are children a gift from God, but they are His children. You place your child into God’s hands and trust that He will guide you in parenting. Essentially, dedicating your child to God is to declare that you will train your child in the ways of the Lord. There is a Child Dedication Q&A meeting on Sunday 19th March if you would like to know more and book here.
Men's Event | Sunday 2nd April
Christopher was having the time of his life, enjoying every moment of the tandem skydive. Suddenly noticing he passed his daughter at high speed and realised it was because her parachute opened and his didn't! Christopher and his instructor Arron came crashing to the ground, spiralling in an anti-clockwise direction and landing feet first. You are invited to hear Christopher talk about his miraculous survival, paying tribute to Arron who in the final seconds before hitting the ground, cradled a total stranger to protect his passenger.
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Thank you for being His Presence in Every Place!
Senior Pastor